Saturday, July 18, 2009

If you are having problems with anxiety or panicky thoughts, then this article will be extremely useful for you.

Panic Attacks
I suffered my first real anxiety attack about 3 years ago. I was walking back home from work and suddenly, I realized that my chest was tighter and I was not able to breathe properly. I was finding it extremely hard to catch my breath, like I’d been exercising really hard, though I was just walking on level ground. The first thought I had was “I’m having a heart attack!” I started gulping for air and this made me hyperventilate even more. I looked desperately for some place to sit or at least something to help steady myself. I was convinced I was going to die on that lonely road all by myself.Now, obviously I wasn’t having a heart attack. This was my first anxiety/panic attack.
Before this attack, I had mild cases of anxiety and panic. It started with really simple things but got compounded and led to major, life-altering events. I was overstressed about just everything, I was having trouble sleeping at night and my attitude was becoming more and more negative with each passing day. I couldn’t even drive my car anymore as I got really anxious every time I got into the car. I was really depressed and didn’t get out of bed for days together. But I still somehow didn’t see that I had a problem that needed to be addressed seriously and urgently. But the fear that first attack caused prompted me to sit up and take action.

I started researching and found that I had suffered a panic attack. I had many of the mentioned symptoms as well. I discovered that panic attacks were very common and at least a third of adults around the world suffered one panic attack every year.
I also found that there is medication and other things you can take to reduce the occurrence of a panic attack. I came across many articles and web-sites claiming that they knew how to treat anxiety. I took anti-depressants, anti-anxiety drugs and even went for therapy for a while to overcome my anxiety disorder. But all these methods are more or less temporary and the panic attacks will start to re-occur once you stop taking them.

Panic Away
The thought of having to depend on pills for the rest of my life to lead a normal, healthy life annoyed and upset me so much that it pushed me to find a permanent alternate solution to my panic attacks. I searched some more online and finally found Panic Away.
Panic away is a book that teaches you to cure your panic attacks naturally, permanently and quickly. It is safe and effective and will save you from wasting a lot of money on pills and drugs. Panic Away does not practice out-dated panic treating techniques like distractions, positive affirmations and deep-breathing. It takes just a few seconds to implement the method, no matter where you are.

How it works:
Panic away mainly focuses on helping you become the person you were before anxiety got the better of you.
The best thing that panic away teaches you is not to fear the thought of having another panic attack. You can feel the effect of this immediately- you will feel so much better and lighter. The main aspect of panic way is to stop the panic attack before they actually happen. It follows a technique called “one move” that essentially teaches you to expect and anticipate a panic attack so that you can prevent it and therefore be cured. It took me a few times to get the hang of this “one move” technique, but once I did, I was able to expect a panic attack and stop it before it happened.
Panic away teaches a technique that allows you to break the anxiety cycle. This will enable you to get over the fear of having another panic attack. The unique thing about panic attack is that it doesn’t require you to go back, analyze and find out why you had your first anxiety attack. Only this will help you return to a normal life.
Don’t expect to just read the book and get rid of your anxiety though. The “one move” technique may take a while to get the hang of and the whole panic away program revolves around this. Reading through the whole thing a few times and practicing the technique for a while will help you can master it.

Why you should try it
I recommend panic away because it is the best thing to have ever happened to me. The panic attacks were just ruining my life and made me miserable all the time. Panic away helped me pull me and my life back together. Ever since I bought panic away and starting following the one move technique, I’ve been successful in preventing every panic attack I might have had in the last one year. I use the move every time I feel one coming and it just goes away. It works amazingly well and if you suffer from anxiety or panic attacks, be sure to give it a try as there is no reason it will not work for you!


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